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Lagoon Fresh™ Manure Digestant
Dramatically reduces the level of volatile fatty acids, reducing noxious odors
Contains a powerful blend of scientifically selected live Bacillus bacteria and natural enzymes that thrive in dairy waste, providing accelerated decomposition

Vertex™ Silicone Liner
Offers two comparatively light weighted versions with options of vented and non-vented liners
Milking Performance, Comfort, and Ergonomics Parameters are of primary considerations
Increased Milk Volume Collected per cow without changes in Machine-on-Time indicates more efficient stimulation and oxytocin release, reflecting an increase in total herd volume of milk collected.

Sile-Max™ and Sile-Max Prime™
Specific bacterial species were chosen to rapidly drop pH and eliminate bunk heating caused by yeast and mold
Contains four strains of specifically selected bacteria to drive and maximize protection and reduce dry matter loss
With the addition of L-Buchneri an acetic acid producing bacteria to promote bunk feed out stability
Enzymes to improve digestibility
Stimulants to increase and promote rapid bacteria growth

Duet™ Chlorine Dioxide Teat Dip
NPE Free
A concentrated Chlorine Dioxide Sanitizing pre/post-milking teat dip
A highly effective germicidal non-iodine formulation containing dual emollients for enhanced skin conditioning

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